Matthew McCoy: Mile High Subluxation Science Summit [PODCAST]
Just in case you missed it, Mile High just hosted a historic event, the largest online Subluxation Science Summit in the history of the chiropractic profession.
An incredible program was presented with a focus on research and science relative to chiropractic readjustment, and the detection and correction of subluxation, Over 1,000 chiropractors attended the Summit!. Throughout it, the Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation was highlighted.
Now you have the opportunity to enjoy Matthew McCoy’s presentation from the Mile High Subluxation Science Summit.
Listen to the podcast:
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At Mile High 2019 in Denver, August 15th to 18th, you’ll hear even more about outstanding subluxation and adjustment-centered TIC.
Registration investment is rising for Mile High July 1st. So, if you haven’t already, get seats for yourself and your team right now at