Mon-Fri 09.00 - 17.00 (720) 791-6845

Bill Esteb: Mile High 2013 Special Throwback [PODCAST]


Let’s go down memory lane, all the way back to where Mile High started— in 2013. A #ThrowbackThursday, this episode of The Mile High Podcast will be from a presentation of a very special chiropractor, Bill Esteb.

Bill Esteb as we all know is a phenomenal chiropractor, writer, speaker, and overall human being. He did a lot in the name of chiropractic. Bill grew up in Olympia, Washington, and went to Evergreen State College to fulfill his goal at that time to become an architect. He then proceed to work in a radio station, advertising agency, until one of his works suggested their team get to know what chiropractic was and he eventually was the one who attended that 3-day seminar.
He fell in love and eventually became the inspiring person we now know today. He’s the owner of Patient Media, he has written more than 12 books already and traveled over 2 million miles sharing the patient’s point of view with chiropractors around the world.
So enjoy this video from Bill Esteb’s FIRST Mile High Presentation and learn VALUABLE lessons from one of the best.

It’s better to experience the  presentation live. Register for the Summit, and  if you haven’t already, get yourself and your team registered for the Mile High 10th Anniversary event in June at

P.S. Join Mile High All Access and enjoy Mile High wherever you are on our app. Download it now!


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Bill Esteb: Mile High 2013 Special Throwback [PODCAST]