There are some unsung heroes in the chiropractic profession who are not chiropractors. They’ve helped thousands of chiropractors and impacted tens of thousands, and maybe millions, of lives during their careers. One of those is Mark Lewis. Mark’s favorite quote is, “It takes 20 years to make an overnight success.” Mark has served chiropractic group, CJ Merqz, The Waiting List practice, John Madeira’s program, and Platinum.
He has helped thousands of chiropractic offices enjoy success over the years. This will be a surprise episode for you because you’ll be surprised at how much you gain from it. Mark is a fount of wisdom and knowledge of core values that impact a chiropractic practice.
What you hear from Mark on this podcast is going to help propel you to next level:
- Platinum Services
- The history of Platinum
- Your investment for Platinum
- What’s new in Platinum
- The future of Platinum
- And MUCH more!
Enjoy this podcast and be sure to register yourself and your team for Mile High 2021 in Denver, June 3rd – 6th at Mark will be there along with the Mile High team and hundreds of chiropractors and their teams from all over the world.