Mon-Fri 09.00 - 17.00 (720) 594-5066

Dave Mager: Personally Impacting Countless Lives [PODCAST]

Dave and I have been acquainted for two and a half decades. The value he delivers when he speaks is immense!

In the early ’80s, Dave Mager was most often found in a sports arena coaching focused and unfocused athletes. This loud, persistent, structured leader expected excellence from his team and got it. He demanded superior behavior in all aspects of the athletes’ lives — commitment to God, family, self, and the art of team sports.

Dave formulated the mindset of “GAME FACE” that translated into total and unyielding focus on the task at hand. This foundational principle was transcribed into peak performance in mind, body, and spirit. He demanded no less of himself than the charge he imposed on the athletes. Many people have asked him, “What is the key to success?” His answer is always that, “It all comes back to having your “GAME FACE” each and every day!”

The most important thing about having your “GAME FACE” on is that it is not only effects sports but has a tremendous impact on family, friends and love ones in your life. Remember wake up every morning with head in the game and have your “GAME FACE” every second of everyday for the rest of your life to be fulfilled, passionate and successful in your personal life which empowers you professionally.

This principle definitely applies in your chiropractic practice. Dave is a health and chiropractic consultant, who is all about impacting lives for the better and consistently empowering every day with positivity through the heart.

On this episode, you’ll hear about:

• The personal impact for professional performance
• How you can increase your clarity, certainty, consistency, and commitment
• Fueling your personal and professional transformation
• And MUCH more!

Keep changing your community’s lives, and minds with chiropractic.

If you haven’t reserved seats for yourself and your team for Mile High 2021 in Denver, September 23rd – 26th, be sure to register now, before your registration investment goes up on May 1st. Register now at

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Dave Mager: Personally Impacting Countless Lives [PODCAST]